Job Application Process

Step 1

If applicable, click on and print/complete the application form below (proceed to Step 2). All other enquiries that are not clerical/accounting-based, please proceed to Step 2. The non-disclosure agreement is for our Temporary Office Professionals; if you do wish to register for our temporary roster, you can fill it out ahead of time, or we will forward it to you if brought in for an interview. The timesheet will only be utilized once you have been placed into a temporary assignment. Paper copies are also available at our office at 1855 Kirschner Road, Kelowna BC Unit 280 w/Power Concepts.


Step 2

Along with the completed application form, email your cover letter and your resume to: [email protected]. In the subject line, please include the Job Title of the position you’re applying for as we have many positions being advertised. this will ensure that your application is considered for the particular role that you’re interested in.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to stay in touch with us. We strive to respond to all emails, but we are not always able to. If you do not hear back, please feel free to email us again. Please check our website regularly for current positions. 

For more information, please contact us at (250) 717-0506. We look forward to hearing from you soon!